WHICH NEW MOVIE release is worth the price of a cinema ticket this weekend?
We’re here to help you decide just that, with these trailers.
Before Midnight
For fans of: Love, relationships, and all that lovey-dovey malarkey
Avoid if: You’d rather not get in touch with your emotions, man
Ethan Hawke and Julie Delphy (Jesse and Celine) first met in the movie Before Sunrise, on a train in Vienna. We meet them 18 years later, when little has changed in some ways, yet much has changed in others. Jesse is still young at heart, and Celine wonders if their relationship still has the spark it once did.
- RottenTomatoes.com critics rating: 98 per cent. Audience rating: 90 per cent
A Haunted House
For fans of: Terrible movies
Avoid if: Just avoid
‘Inspired’ by the Paranormal Activity movies, this looks absolutely woeful.
- RottenTomatoes.com critics rating: 12 per cent. Audience rating: 59 per cent
World War Z
For fans of: Brad Pitt, zombies, apocalypses now
Avoid if: You want this film to be exactly like the original book
Non-ugly Brad Pitt becomes the man tasked with saving the world when the dreaded zombies come back for their apocalypse. Based on the novel by Max Brooks, this is a blockbuster interpretation of Brooks’ vision of a world tormented by zombies, and it looks quite overwhelming in parts. But has it lost something in the rush to make it such an intense watch?
- RottenTomatoes.com critics rating: 80 per cent. Audience rating: 99 per cent want to see