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Vincent Browne could front TV3 travel programme with... Glenda Gilson

Don’t lie, you’d definitely watch the ultimate ‘odd couple’ trek around Europe together wouldn’t you?

Image: Laura Hutton/Photocall Ireland

IN WHAT COULD make for simultaneously unmissable and cringe worthy television, TV3 is in talks to broadcast a new travel programme that would be fronted by what could well be the ultimate odd couple: Vincent Browne and Glenda Gilson.

The political journalist known for eviscerating government ministers on a nightly basis would travel around Europe with the Xposé presenter and model in a programme currently in development stage.

A spokesperson for TV3 told DailyEdge.ie that outgoing director of programming Ben Frow is “still in talks but it’s something he’s looking into” and while the idea as still just an idea at this stage the pair apparently “get on very well”.

Unlikely as it may seem the programme could go ahead before Christmas with Frow departing at the end of the year.

The Irish Daily Mirror, which first reported the story today, says that the programme would see Vincent and Glenda touring European capitals.

In a comical role reversal for ‘Glencent’ (Yeah that’s what we’re calling them, okay?) the model – Glen G to his Vin B – would enjoy the top cultural attractions of the city while Vin B, sorry #VinB, would sample the city’s night life.

The pair would then meet up to discuss their no doubt rollicking experiences.

One Daily Edge staff member said they’d “definitely” be setting their UPC box for it. Sure wouldn’t you?

Read: TV3′s head of programming leaves the station

TV RECAP: 28 best moments from Ireland’s Ultimate Debutante Episode 2

About the author:

Hugh O'Connell

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