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Vincent Browne finally admits that he's a big fan of cats

If he wants cats, we shall give him cats.


VINCENT BROWN FINALLY got down to the important issues at hand last night, by asking his panel if they had seen Monday night’s Love/Hate.

When the outrage surrounding the shooting of the cat (RIP) came up, Browne expressed his displeasure at the shocker:

I must say, I thought it was awful, I didn’t like it myself.

He went on to explain his reasoning, revealing what we could have already assumed-Vinnie is a complete cat person.

I like cats, more than I like people who are likely to get shot.

What was that, Vincent?


Can’t argue with that.

Just for you, here’s a quick selection of some of the greatest cats to have ever graced the pages of the internet:

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the_definitive_collection_of_cat_12 Source: Acidcow



Well, our work here is done.

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h/t to Oireachtas_RX

Last night’s Love/Hate: Dead cats, Nidge’s arse, and fizzy orange>

The Love/Hate cat is already on Twitter>

Animal rights charity calls for Love/Hate boycott after cat shooting scene>

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