EVER WANTED TO see the world through someone else’s eyes?
Well Twitter’s new video-sharing app allows you to do that, for just six seconds at a time.
The Vine app allows the user to capture and share the short videos, which then run on a loop when the user tweets them. Here’s a few family-friendly examples chosen by Twitter.
The site VinePeek.com gathers all of the mini-videos and shows them in a continous stream.
Of course if you give people the opportunity to broadcast whatever they want to a wide audience, some of those people are going to whip out their nether regions, which is why Vine is a Russian roulette of stranger’s who-whos and pee-pees.
Here’s a little snapshot of what we’ve been seeing on VinePeek.com in the past while:
Aaaaand, then we saw another penis, so stopped looking.
There is potential to make some nice little videos and capture little snippets of your life to share online, but beware the pants droppers!