EVERY EVENING AT 9pm, DailyEdge.ie brings you your essential roundup of what you missed on your screens today.
When you need creative solutions and you haven’t a breeze what’s going on:
People were reading
This hilarious and eye-opening look into Scottish Twitter. It’s really something.
Jay Z is really, really good at eating spaghetti – and that’s all there is to it.
This guy dressed exactly like Prince George for a week, and the results were excellent.
People were watching
Sometimes only true fear can make you perform at your best:
This rhythmic dog doing their thing:
And another pooch who just loves to dance (or needs to get inside):
People were retweeting
This brilliant shot from the set of Ghostbusters:
If only these were true:
When delivery people try their best:
And finally, under the title “all girls dress the same” it looks like a standardised male style has truly caught on in the States