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An interview an Irish kid did with her pet cat is going insanely viral

Asking only the tough questions.

Y’KNOW, THERE’S AN awful lot we still don’t know about animals, cats in particular.

They’re odd, temperamental creatures at the best of times – dying for affection one minute, allergic to you the next.

Paul Duane’s daughter decided to do the only logical thing to get to the bottom of her own cat’s mystique – by interviewing her.

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She started off with some fairly innocuous questions – where she likes being rubbed. Coco explained that everywhere was fine except her tummy which is “forbidden”, her legs and her tail.

When she proceeded to question Coco about rubbing “her bum”, the interview was terminated (a very invasive line of questioning, in fairness).

Here’s the subject herself aiming to avoid the paparazzi.

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The interview has taken off on Twitter, amassing over 50,000 retweets at the time of writing.

Due to her new found fame, Coco has no more interviews planned at this time.

DailyEdge is on Instagram!

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