EVERY EVENING AT 9pm, DailyEdge.ie brings you your essential roundup of what you missed on your screens today.
When you and your friend open your fortune cookies to reveal:
People were reading:
This thorough investigation into Rihanna’s new video. Did it go too far?
Reddit is in absolute chaos today, as loads of the site has been blacked out. Here’s what’s happening.
The BBC published a ‘ten most influential women in the world’ list and it hasn’t gone down well with some.
People were watching:
Serena Williams was getting booed by the Wimbledon crowd and she had a sassy response:
All of us, in the club:
Birdyonce here was winning the internet’s heart:
People were retweeting:
This coffee kitten. WHAT:
The internet in an avocado nutshell:
This perfect response:
The difference between men and women’s ear plugs. XTREME:
And finally… people were relating to this little pup holding on to a can to keep cool. We were all with you today little one