EVERY EVENING AT 9pm, DailyEdge.ie brings you your essential roundup of what you missed on your screens today.
This bar has nailed its purpose anyway:
People were reading
This poor guy tried to plug his phone in for a bit of a charge on the train in London but was arrested for using up electricity.
These Scottish barmen aren’t allowed wear their kilts at work any more – they were getting too much attention from the locals.
The fallout from the To Kill A Mockingbird controversy has started to affect people who called their sons Atticus.
People were watching
Fist-pumping brilliance:
This little character:
People were retweeting
This floating Penney’s bag in Dundrum:
Dave Grohl looking well on the telly this morning:
The unified church of the pdf is now in service:
And people were absolutely loving this accidental tribute to Castaway: