EVERY EVENING AT 9pm, DailyEdge.ie brings you your essential roundup of what you missed on your screens today.
The battle of the communal washing machines:
People were reading:
These Photos Show The Unnerving Accuracy Of “The People Vs. O.J. Simpson.
James Franco is an artist. So why won’t the art world take him seriously?
This mam’s heartbreaking eulogy for her daughter who died of an overdose.
People were watching:
When you wake up and can’t find your phone:
Dinner’s ready:
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s awkward apology video to Australia:
People were retweeting:
Imagine seeing this on your commute:
This harrowing vista:
And finally, people were loving: “This picture of Justin Bieber getting choked at a nightclub looks like a Renaissance painting.”
The Last S’up-per.