EVERY MORNING AT tea-break time (aka 11am), DailyEdge brings you the most perfect pics, videos and posts being shared today. Take a minute and enjoy our Daily Digest.
“I knew it looked familiar”:
Today, people are watching:
Kanye with a great “dad worried about people falling over” reaction:
Lmao Kanye is not about to let anyone die at his show pic.twitter.com/5LJSUUvTvA
— pb (@paigebrittany) November 3, 2016
This grandad celebrating the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series for the first time since 1908 <3
my grandpa has been waiting 81 years for this😭 #GoCubbies pic.twitter.com/K5GIl4TpZr
— clare (@_claremoser) November 3, 2016
People are liking:
Conor McGregor’s coach getting a rake of Facebook messages from international MMA fighters as Gaeilge is adorable:
“Ah sure he MUST speak Irish, fire up Google Translate”
People are retweeting:
When you leave the gaff and realise:
*theme music plays*.
Small victories, James.
“YES! Everything’s fine”:
And finally… this Kim Kardashian costume on this pup is all your Friday needs
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