THESE ARE THE videos you guys liked the most on in 2014.
Not the ones you clicked on the most – but the ones you watched, and then thought: someone else needs to see this.
It was quite a year. Here in reverse order…
15. Two-year-old’s ice bucket challenge reaction
Why it’s great: Two-year-old girl does ice bucket challenge, reacts in most understandable fashion.
14. Entire wedding party falls into lake in slow motion
Why it’s great: The dawning realisation on their faces as the pier collapses beneath them.
13. Belfast family’s discussion goes horribly wrong
Why it’s great: Because it’s the most bonkers discussion about how long it takes to get 80 miles at 80mph that has ever existed in the history of the world, ever.
12. How to peel a bag of potatoes in less than a minute
Why it’s great: Genuinely useful tip.
11. Lamborghini crash
Why it’s great: Watching rich people do stupid things.
10. Tipperary lad’s Movember parody
Why it’s great: Because he looks uncannily like the Cadbury’s advert guy, except he’s in a photo lab in Clonmel.
9. Nuns do the ice bucket challenge
Why it’s great: Because the nuns are completely merciless with each other.
8. Irish mammy commentary on ice bucket challenge
Why it’s great: Jesus tis gone! It’s shifted in all directions Eamonn!
7. Irish Ukrainians not Russians
Why it’s great: David McCullagh on glitch.
6. Hero cat saves boy from dog
Why it’s great: Because hero cat! Look at the speed on that thing.
5. Three Irish lads Riverdance their way around the world
Why it’s great: Everything about it is great.
4. Irish dad’s reaction to ‘failed’ driving test goes insanely viral
Why it’s great: Because angry Irish dads speak a universal language. “YOU WERE LOOKING INTO THE F***IN COMPUTER!”
3. A day in the life of Dublin with disposable cameras
Why it’s great: Because <3
2. Robin Williams meeting Zig and Zag
Why it’s great: A comedy legend, sadly missed. RIP Robin.
1. Two-year-old getting VERY angry when her Frozen solo was interrupted