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"Stuff I learned about Ireland" - what an Australian visitor thinks of us

“These people are insane, especially on country roads…”

KRISTY GILLIES IS from Australia and visited Ireland last August.

She stayed in Carraroe in Galway for a few nights, before hitting Dublin. London and Scotland were on her itinerary too.

Kristy told DailyEdge.ie that:

Ireland was by far my favourite part of the trip. I kept a travel diary the whole time and would write these “Stuff I Learned” summaries.

Her lessons from Ireland included:

‘The Luck of the Irish’ refers to their ability to survive the roads. Seriously, these people are insane, especially on country roads. I have never been more terrified in my life, and I like rollercoasters.
They talk about being Irish a lot.

So, what else did she learn about Ireland?

Want a closer look? Click here>

Image courtesy of Kristy Gillies/originally posted to Reddit

If you are a little confused by the first point, Kristy explains:

…the context for the ‘snot’ thing was that I was in London first, and while I was there snot was black. Snot was fine in Scotland too.

Are you a visitor to Ireland? What have you learned? Tell us in the comments section…

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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