Dublin: 8 °C Thursday 27 February, 2025

This is definitely what the girl from the Vodafone pig ad would text her mates



REMEMBER WHEN DONAL rescued Sue the Pg from certain death on the farm in the Vodafone ad, and everyone’s heart melted?

But then Donal brought Sue the Pig home and introduced her to his (much younger) love interest Mary, along with his swanky telly?

And then got his mam involved. Even though she looked more like his sister?

Well, we’re fairly sure that given a chance to rifle through Mary’s WhatsApp messages, we’d find the truth behind her feelings…

pig Source: Amy O'Connor

Listen to your pals Mary. Run while you still can.

7 feelings the whole country has about the couple from the Vodafone ad> 

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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