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7 reasons why every Irish girl dearly wanted a Von Dutch hat

The 2000s fashion trend the world forgot.

REMEMBER 2004, WHEN Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie were style icons and everyone in the world had a Von Dutch hat?

4136996207_7e3ec4f5f5_z Source: Flickr/kenu

The trend soon disappeared along with most of the more questionable 2000s fashion choices (thanks be to God), but Kylie Jenner sported one of the trucker hats in a recent selfie…

…Leading people to believe that Von Dutch is back from the dead.

Kylie was all of seven years old when the trend originated (gulp) but if you’re old enough to remember the Von Dutch cap craze, you’ll know it was a big deal.

It all started when Paris and Nicole wore them

#VonDutch Truckers hats are making a come back #ParisHilton #NickyHilton Source: Instagram/hiltonworld

Those orange camo hats on The Simple Life. #Goals before we knew what #goals were.

And then all of a sudden, more and more celebrities were spotted wearing them

Jodie Marsh T4 Popbeach Source: PA Archive/Press Association Images

Which meant that everyone absolutely needed one right this instant.

You didn’t know who ‘Von Dutch’ even was, and you didn’t care

Von Dutch Cap. RM35. For details whatsapp #sayajualmurah #sayajualbundle #sayajualtopi #visitmyig #sayajual #topirare #jalanrajabot #jrb #bundlemalaysia #topibundle #bundletopi #jualtopi #duniabundlemalaysia #bundlemalaysia #bundlemurah #duniabundlemalaya #duniabundlemalaysia #vondutch #vondutchhat Source: Instagram/ahmartt

The company was named for Kenny Howard, the late Los Angeles car customiser, but the symbolism meant nothing to you.

You could get them in all sorts of neon colours

Look what I found thrifting bitch ;) #TheSimpleLife #ParisHilton #NicoleRichie #VonDutchHat #VonDutch #Sanasssa Source: Instagram/__slytherin__princess

Perfect to pair with your velour tracksuit top and fake Louis Vuitton Murakami purse.

But prices ranged from $40 to $120 a hat, so your parents said NO WAY

And if anyone did cop a real one, they were the source of all your envy for weeks.

So you got a knock off one for €5 that said ‘Von Bitch’

As seen on market stalls across Ireland:

Von_bitch_cap_with_studs_35 Source: Oohlalafashionboutique

You sincerely hoped your mam wouldn’t notice the rude word.

But then Ed Hardy came along and you forgot all about your Von Dutch longings

Camisa #EDHARDY , gostou ? Vem de whats ; 94264-8536 Source: Instagram/_teefydasprata

Until just now. Hope you held on to your knock offs…

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