Dublin: 4 °C Saturday 1 March, 2025

#VoteYes is the top worldwide trend on Twitter today

It’s also trending in the US, UK and Australia.

ny Source: NY Times

AS THE WORLD’S media turns its eyes to Ireland to watch the country go to the polls to vote in the marriage referendum, Twitter is also watching and waiting.

#VoteYes is the top trend in the United Kingdom, #MarRef is third from the top in Australia and in the US #VoteYes is currently fifth from the top (just below #DisneyPrincessProblems, which is fair enough).




Meanwhile the top trend worldwide is…


The #IVoted and #MarriageEquality hashtags are the top trends in Ireland, while #HomeToVote is stirring emotions as thousands head home from the UK and beyond to exercise their franchise.

via @GavinsBlog 

The #HomeToVote hashtag is getting everyone very emotional this morning

Hozier is flying back to Ireland to vote and his simple message has gone viral

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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