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This rapper has annoyed a lot of people with his comments about transgender people

He claimed transgender people were ‘rebuking God’.

CAITLYN JENNER HAS been doing her bit to bring transgender issues to mainstream conversation over the past few months. Women and men have identified as transgender for decades, but only in the past few years have perceptions noticeably began to change for the better.

One that has very much stayed stationary, is that of rapper Waka Flocka Flame. He appeared on US chatshow The Breakfast Club and brought up the topic of Caitlyn and the transgender community.

He immediately called them, ‘evil’, saying:

Women are afraid to be a wife, and young males are afraid to be men. They don’t market families and husbands and wives no more. They’re marketing young girls, transgenders, they’re marketing evil. It’s really evil! Evil is marketed!

He went on to say that his problem lies more in the exposure than the ‘preferences’.

I ain’t go nothing against nobody’s preferences, but putting it on TV is crazy. And you know kids are the only people watching TV, adults are too busy.

Host of the show, Angela Yee, attempted to intervene and allow Waka to back down, but he continued on, questioning the moral strength of transgender people.

I ain’t say nothing against Bruce Jenner, but you are who you are when God made you, not who you became after he did. That’s how I feel.
You’re rebuking God, God ain’t put them feelings in you, that’s the devil playing tricks on your mind. That’s a test from God, if you can’t beat that one task and you believe that, then you’ll believe everything else and you’re going down that way.

Listen to the full thing from the nine minute mark

Source: 105.1BreakfastClub/YouTube

Some were upset with his remarks, while many fans also backed him up


He took to Twitter to respond to the uproar, but didn’t attempt to clarify his comments

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