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Here's why you wake up so early after a night on the batter

It’s pretty straight-forward…

IT’S ONE OF life’s most annoying mysteries.

Why do you wake up so early after a night on the beer, when literally ALL you want to do is stay in bed and sleep off the pain?

It’s one of life’s cruelest catch 22s.

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Well, we have some insight.

While you might think a glass of wine or two will get you to sleep, it will have the opposite effect on your overall quality of snooze.

A few drinks can disturb your sleep process, which normally looks something like this:

sleep_cycle_REM_8_hour_graph Source: Luciddreamexplorers

Post-alcohol, you’re knocked straight into a deep sleep, skipping REM (Rapid Eye Movement). As Dr John Shneerson told Drinkaware, alcohol can disturb this deep sleep, and bring on REM as it begins to wear off. This makes it easier for you to wake up, and also feel lousy.


An average night should see you having about six cycles of REM sleep, but when you’ve been boozing you only have about one or two.

This study has dubbed the ability for alcohol to do this ‘the rebound effect’. The alcohol lures you into a deep sleep, but begins to wake you up from the alcoholic sedation.

Hence, the 7am alarm clock when you’ve only been in bed since three.

tumblr_m8ggfqUN0R1r85xll Source: Tumblr

Now you know, and nothing will change.

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