Dublin: 7 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

This woman's walk to work was the inspiration for the best Twitter story ever

“It’s not a f**king baby! It’s a sack of shit!”

IMG_4718 Source: tompagenet

WHEN TWITTER USER @MissPotkin left her London home this morning to go to work, little did she know the most ridiculous events would unfold involving a man, a pram and a surprisingly angry mob.

She took to Twitter to tell her gas story

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Lancelot Place, London SW3 Source: Metro Centric

Helpfully, she decided to step in and give the man a hand

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Yes, there was no baby

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Then things started to get ridiculous

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Things went up a notch then

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And the man says this to her

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Pram Source: Michael David Pedersen

This is what the crowd is thinking

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jonah-hill-shock Source: Gifrific

She needed to explain herself, fast

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clapping-crowd-applause Source: Reactiongifs

What a morning for all involved.

We’ll never know if the cement baby made its destination.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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