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Carl from The Walking Dead's 31-year-old female stunt double


THE WALKING DEAD’S Carl is played by 14-year-old actor Chandler Riggs.

He’s been working on the show since he was ten years old, but it’s not always Riggs you see in the Carl scenes, particularly the ones with a bit of rough and tumble.

His stunt double is – understandably – not another child his age. In fact, it’s a woman in her thirties.

Chandler Riggs and his stunt double :D Yes it is Source: Facebook/The Walking Dead Family

The stunt woman named Ashley replaced Riggs’ former double after he hit puberty and grew several inches. Uproxx reports that 21-year-old Savana Jade Wehunt played the part previously. Wehunt also took on the role of Sophia and Penny’s stunt doubles.

Carl’s current double Ashley can be seen in this image, second from the right.

ash Source: Talking Dead

Here are some more TV and film stars with their stand ins and doubles:

Harrison Ford

fOXrQNk Source: Imgur

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez's stunt double - Imgur Source: Imgur

Emma Watson

tumblr_lar5jlBXp21qa3psyo1_500 Source: Tumblr

Ian McKellan

Gandalf (Ian McKellen) with his stunt double and his scale double - Imgur Source: Imgur

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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