Dublin: 7 °C Tuesday 11 March, 2025

It turns out that loads of people use warm milk on their cereal

What fresh hell is this?

EARLIER THIS YEAR, the whole internet discovered that people out there used ice cubes in their morning cereal.

But now, the debate has moved to the legitimacy of warm milk – and this practice is way more prevalent than you might think.

Now, in Ireland, warm milk with Weetabix is standard enough

But warm milk on other types of cereal is also completely fair game to some, apparently. Just look

There are some strong advocates out there of the warm milk and cereal combination

People use it on cold mornings sometimes

Look at the warm milk in regular cereal there

The technique seems to involve just throwing the lot into the microwave

The debate about cereal etiquette has kicked off again elsewhere today, and as you can imagine nobody can agree on what’s right.

There are SO many people who swear by the warm milk option for all their cereal

But it’s definitely not *hot*, so we need to get that right

Look at the warm bubbles there

There are, of course, those who just can’t stand the hot cereal at at all

A travesty to the good name of regular, cold cereal

So, is warm milk every acceptable on cereal?

Poll Results:

Yes, on Weetabix and other choice cereals that deserve it (1021)
I'd have warm milk on all types of cereal, and proud of it (684)
No, never (647)


More Eating cereal with ice cubes is now a thing>

About the author:

David Elkin

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