LAST WEEK WE introduced you to a selection of films that were bound to mortify you in front of your parents.
One such film was Bridesmaids.
Y’know, that comedy starring Kristen Wiig and Chris O’Dowd, that just so happens to start off a little something like this:
It’s been a few years since Bridesmaids hit cinemas, so you’d think most people would know just how mortifying those first five minutes have the potential to be when you watch them with your mam and dad, right?
It seems quite a few people missed the memo though because when Bridesmaids aired on Channel 4 last night a fair few were caught rapid.
Those we weren’t pulling a collective cringe muscle were feeling SUPER awkward.
So awkward that they even had to crack out the old school awkward emoticon.
However, there were a few exceptions to the rule.
And one man in particular was just basking in the glory.