EARLIER TODAY, FORMER England captain Wayne Rooney pleaded guilty to drink driving.
As well as getting a two-year driving ban, the Everton and former Manchester United star was also ordered to do 100 hours of unpaid work as part of a 12-month community order.
Rooney apologised for his “unforgivable lack of judgement” after admitting the charge. The court heard he was almost three times the legal limit.
The 31-year old said:
I want publicly to apologise for my unforgivable lack of judgement in driving while over the legal limit. It was completely wrong.”
Naturally, Twitter is having a field day with the courtroom sketch of the Everton striker.
There’s a likeness there, let’s face it.
Lord Alan Sugar, meanwhile, couldn’t resist making this terrible dad joke.
“I’m banned from driving for two years.”
“Hi Banned From Driving For Two Years, I’m Lord Sugar.”