WARM WEATHER IS nice. Until it comes to sleep time. Ireland just can’t cope.
Fret not. We have some COOL tips for you. Thank us in your well-rested morning.
1. Take a lukewarm shower before bed
Hopping in to a shower colder than your icy heart may seem like the logical thing to do, but it’s not. This can have a rebound effect, bringing your body temperature up to counteract the cold. If you can’t hack a whole chilly shower, splash your feet and face with cold water. Your wrists and inner arm are where your blood stream flows closest to the surface of your body so they’re worth a rinse too.
2. Wear pyjamas
It might be tempting to strip off entirely, but doing so can have the opposite affect you want. Light cotton pjs are your best option and can help to absorb sweat instead of leaving your writhing around in your own perspiration all night. Gross.
3. Make a cool water bottle
Put a hot water bottle filled with ice cold water in bed beside you, hug it when necessary. If you had a rice sock from the winter, just move it from the microwave to the freezer.
4. Change your duvet
It’s time to say bye bye to the winter duvet. A thinner duvet is well worth investing in, or just use your winter over-blanket your mam frantically bought you, as a substitute.
Trust us, it will avoid all this leg movement.
5. Sleep on your side
This way, more of your body surface will be exposed to release heat. It also puts you in vital position for hanging your leg over the blanket.
6. Hang a damp towel in front of your window
The water evaporates and cools the air that’s coming through the window, and can also keep disgusting flying ants from invading your life. Keeping blinds closed during the day will also reduce the amount of heat your room retains.
7. Make the most of the fan
If you’re lucky enough to have one, consider putting it behind blocks of ice, frozen water bottles or another cold damp towel. The air blown at you will be extra icy and satisfying.
8. Switch the hotpress for the freezer
Cool your pillowcase in the freezer in a freezer bag. Yeah it might sound a bit OTT but you can’t complain as you’re drifting off to a cooling slumber.
9. Don’t leave lights on
This way you can open your window slightly in the hope of a little draught, but won’t have to worry about overenthusiastic bugs making a break for it.
Removing excess heat coming from the lightbulbs will also help to cool the room.
10. Don’t sleep beside your partner
Their body heat combined with your body heat is roughly the temperature of Satan’s fiery inferno. Add tossing and turning to the mix and you’ll be dashing to the spare room for your last hope of a decent night’s kip.