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Irish men: Should you even have to wear ties anymore?

A debate has blown up as to whether they’re really necessary these days.

shutterstock_238287331 Source: Shutterstock/Bernd Leitner Fotodesign

IN FASHION DEBATE news of the week, BBC journalist Robert Peston has caught some serious flack for interviewing a politician without wearing tie on TV.

Look at him there, tie-less on television:

bbcpeston Source: BBC

Immediately after the interview, people started giving the journalist stick for not showing respect. Peston hit back saying he doesn’t need to wear one these days.

It’s not the first time he’s come under fire for such a, eh, daring move

tie3 Source: DailyMail

He failed to wear a TIE in 2014, and people were quite upset.

Earlier this week, Peston called out the criticism of his tie-less appearance:

I didn’t not wear a tie out of disrespect for the chancellor, I just didn’t wear a tie because actually I don’t really like wearing a tie. The notion that what makes you a serious journalist is wearing a tie is bonkers.

But now the opinion pieces are out in force – apparently a tie is important

henrycotton Source: Guardian

To which many have debated in this day and age

The Telegraph’s article was similarly dismissive of Peston’s view, saying that people take you more seriously when you wear one

tie1 Source: Telegraph

The writer stresses the importance of the tie:

I believe wearing a tie is critical to being taken seriously in the workplace – and beyond.

Some people agree that a tie is important, especially in work

But the majority seem to disagree with such constraints

So, when you see someone with a tie, do you take them more seriously?

Poll Results:

Yeah, I probably would (696)
Nah, it doesn't bother me what he is wearing (538)
I don't think there should be dress codes at all anymore (262)

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About the author:

David Elkin

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