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VIDEO: Your weekend movies... A Most Violent Year

Cinema trip this weekend? DailyEdge.ie brings you snippets from new releases to help you decide where to put your money…

WHICH NEW MOVIE release is worth the price of a cinema ticket this weekend?

We’re here to help you decide just that, with these trailers.

A Most Violent Year

Source: MOVIECLIPS Trailers/YouTube

For fans of: Scorcese, badda bing badda boom

Avoid if: You’re not into garbage

Set in the early 1980s, this looks at a family involved in the waste industry who use good ol’ violence and corruption to move their way up the career ladder. Starring the fantastic Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain as the central couple, this looks like a wonderfully gritty watch.

Ex Machina

Source: Universal Pictures UK/YouTube

For fans of: Domhnall G

Avoid if: You’re afraid robots will take over the world

Our own Domhnall Gleeson plays a computer programmer who wins a competition and gets invited to hang out with his boss (Oscar Isaac, again) … who happens to have created a sexy AI lady (here, why are they always sexy robot ladies?). You can just imagine the sort of things that happen next. Written and directed by Alec Garland (28 Days Later/Sunshine).

The Gambler

Source: MOVIECLIPS Trailers/YouTube

For fans of: Money money money, got to have it

Avoid if: You’re more of a Marky Mark fan

Mark Wahlberg is a high stakes gambler AND an English professor, which is quite a mix indeed. he owes a load of money, gets involved with some underworld figures, and falls in love with a student. Standard.

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