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7 dating apps that prove there really is someone for everyone

Forever alone? Seems unlikely.

THE DATING APP Tinder burst onto the scene last year and took singles by storm.

But what if Tinder isn’t exactly up your street?

Ever heard the old adage “there’s someone out there for everyone”? Well, it seems like the internet has gone one further – there’s now a dating app for everyone, too.

1. On The Rebound

Fancy one of your Facebook friends? Browse their tagged pictures a few more times than is really necessary or, frankly, reasonable? Have to restrain yourself from liking every single status they post? On The Rebound has you pegged, you mucky little pup.

2. Wingman

Using either WiFi (if your plane has it) or Bluetooth technology, this app can connect you with fellow passengers to see who might be up for joining, ahem, the “mile high club”. It’s only in beta launch phase at the moment, though, so you’ll just have to wait to find your travelling companion. Let’s face it, you’ll probably be waiting a good long while even when the app does launch.

3. Carrot

According to Carrot, “Gifts = Dates”. Carrot has run with the notion that online dating is a “superficial thing” and decided to take it one further. They encourage you to “make an offer that they simply cannot refuse” by bribing singles into going on a date with you. The app makers claim this will give you the “power to date your first choice, not settle for only the ones who replied”. Hmm.

4. Yenta

“Find your Jewboo!” the tagline to this app trills. Yenta is a free, location-based dating app that helps you find Jewish singles. Mazel tov!

5. Charm

Have you got charisma? No? Oh dear, what a pity – never mind. You can get the Charm app for your phone instead. Basically, the premise is this: rather than upload a picture, you make a little video of yourself. From there on out, it’s like Tinder. Think about it – you could see your potential beau move! Hear them speak! Poetry in motion.

charm What is charm? Good question, mate

6. Twine

OK. Bear with us, right? On this app, you browse people’s “personality canvasses” and create your own “personality canvass” (we’re going to go ahead and keep putting that in inverted commas, because, really?) to express your personality and interests. If you like someone’s “personality canvass” and they like yours, then your photos and names are revealed to each other. See? Love is blind! Sorta.

7. Bad Date Rescue

And if the above dating apps don’t work out quite to your satisfaction, there’s always Bad Date Rescue. You choose when it phones you to interrupt the date, what the emergency is, and who is calling. Then the app combs your Contacts to get the right picture and it even uses a swish fake voice to mimic a person on the end of the line. If you’re afraid of stage fright, it can even give “repeat after me” instructions on what to say.

Goodbye, weirdo who won’t stop talking about their ex/cats/Mam.

Do you use dating apps? Let us know the comments how it’s worked out for you…

Read: 12 of the best conversations that ever happened on Tinder>

Read: 16 experiences you’ll definitely have on the Tinder dating app>

About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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