“LIFE IS A crazy ride and nothing is guaranteed,” Eminem once said.
Allow the crazy rides here at DailyEdge.ie Towers to bring you the weirdest, oddest and downright bonkers news stories happening in the world this week.
Giddy up? Giddy up, indeed!
A Domino’s pizza delivery guy saved a woman’s life in Kentucky. Gary Lucas was just clocking off his shift at the global pizza purveyors when he heard a woman’s screams coming from a nearby home. The woman’s husband was in need of urgent emergency care, so Lucas took over on CPR and on the phone to 911. The man survived, but police said that he could have met a very different fate if not for Lucas. SEE? Pizzas really can be life-savers. Think on. (Yahoo!)
The Penguin Foundation is looking for volunteers to knit penguins jumpers. Penguins caught in oil spills need little jumpers to keep warm and stop them trying to clean the toxic oil off themselves with their beaks. Wow, this room is dusty. No, wait, we’re just crying. A lot. It’s too much. N’able. His little jumper. (ABC Online)
A school in England has begun giving students smoke breaks in order to curb truancy. The school, in Peterborough, caters for 200 pupils between the ages of 14 and 16. Principal Claire George has said the 10 minute breaks – that operate under parental permission – is the only way to stop children absconding from the school. Erm, have you tried detention rather than fag breaks, Claire? Worth a shot first, like. (Mirror)
A drunk gambler in Las Vegas is seeking to erase his $500,000 debt due to not being able to remember losing it. Mark Johnston, 52, arrived drunk to the Downtown Grand casino and was plied with free drinks while he gambled, he alleges. After leaving the tables, he returned to his hotel room with no memory of his time gambling. That’s one stonking hangover, eh Mark? (Reuters)
A virus locked in Siberian ice for 30,000 years has been revived in a lab. French scientists thawed out and revived an ancient virus, found in permafrost about 100 feet deep in coastal tundra. It isn’t a dangerous virus to humans, but it raises questions over what other unholy terrors LURKS BENEATH OUR VERY FEET. SWEET DREAMS, DEAR READERS. (NPR)
A lack of biros at a Limerick Garda station led to public order offences, the Limerick Leader reports. The lack of pens at the city’s station on Henry Street, one of the country’s busiest, has been blamed for “threatening and abusive” behaviour. Issues arose when people in the station had been told by Gardai to return to fill in forms with their own biro, which led to aggression. Oh, Ireland. (Limerick Leader)
Hey you! Yes, you. You! Spotted any bizarre news in your local area? Let us know on fiona@dailyedge.ie pretty please with a cherry on top. Share the wealth! Ah, go on!