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15 facts of life for Irish people with a weird last name

You’re no Kelly or Murphy.

1. People are always trying to figure out the origins of the name within 10 seconds of hearing it

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You didn’t belong to one of the ancient Clans so they’re secretly thinking where exactly it came from.

“So, like, where is your name from originally?”

2. You just know somebody will ask you to repeat your name the first time you say it out loud

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3. But you’re an expert at spelling it out so it’s as easy as possible for people to write it down

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The rhythm is everything.

4. There was never a Gaeilge version of your name in school

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Everyone else was throwing around Ní this and Mac that, but you just ploughed on through with your actual name.

5. You’ve heard every possible pronunciation of your name down the years

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They will add an s to it for no reason at all.

Murphys around Ireland never have to put up with this sh*t.

6. With only some people getting it spot on

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It’s not their fault, let’s be fair.

7. You’ve often wondered how your parents even came up with a first name that suited it

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It’s just a jumble of odd syllables and nothing goes.

The classic Irish last names are part of life – and most names just work.

8. Your last name does not exist in the world of family crests

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Too unique.

9. Everyone just assumes you’re related to the other person they have met in their life with your last name

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“IT’S SO RARE. You must be related?”

10. You start getting ridiculously defensive over the name any time you feel it getting ripped on

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“You shall not speak ill of the name.”

11. That moment someone pronounces it right out of the blue is a beautiful one

12. You start to realise early on that it’s actually a badge of honour that you don’t have a standard name

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13. Because you get perks like it being blank on every social media known to man

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14. And searching for your own name usually produces just the one result

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15. So now you’re just delighted that you’re not a Murphy, Kelly or O’Briens

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Grand names all. But sure it’s not you.

More 9 very Irish memes we need the world to understand>

More 13 things that make Irish men utterly irresistible>

About the author:

David Elkin

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