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6 unexpected things that happened this week

Eyeballs, sleepwalking and botty coughs – it’s the week’s weirdest news.

Image: Imgur

CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY til we see the sun.

Not our words, but the dulcet tones of One Direction.

And if you’re happy to see the sun this Saturday morning, but are lacking a little crazy, DailyEdge.ie has you covered.

We’re here to bring you the best of the bonkers, the most nutty news from around the world this week.

In China, a student’s eyeballs were eaten by bacteria due to her not changing her contact lenses for months on end. Although, it’s a cautionary tale rather than a funny one – Lian Kao has been left blinded after she failed to wash her contacts for half a year. Our wrists have gone all weak. (The Mirror UK)

Scientists say that smelling farts could prevent cancer. The researchers from Exeter University, claim that hydrogen sulfide gas (produced when bacteria breaks down food) could be the key. So I guess you should thank that person in the pub after all. (TIME)

Source: Imgur

Uxbridge police are going to “throw the book” at anyone they find pooing on trains from bridges as they pass by. Because apparently this is a problem in the area. Good Lord. Get it together, Uxbridge, and pull your jocks up. (Upton Daily)

A man charged with indecent exposure claims he “must have been sleepwalking”. The man had been drinking and was apparently naked atop the roof of a car. He was “running around in the nude” according to the police. Sleeprunning? Seems legit, bro. (CBS Minnesota)

Live birds were found in an Elmo doll at the Mexico-US border. The two live parrots were found when an X-Ray revealed something unusual about the contents of the doll. Birds are regulated entering the country because they carry disease. Polly want a cracker? OK how about a $300 fine? (Yahoo Odd News)

Source: Imgur

14,000 draft notices were sent to men born in the 1800s. The Selective Service System mistakenly sent notices to more than 14,000 Pennsylvania men born between 1893 and 1897, ordering them to register for the nation’s military draft. Spooky ghost army, anyone? (AP)

Hey you! Yes, you. Reading this right now. Spotted any bizarre news in your local area? Let us know on fiona@dailyedge.ie.

It’s all the previous weird news nuggets y’all>

About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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