“I’M MAD AS hell and I’m not going to take it any more.”
Mad about what, you ask? Well, perhaps it was the lack of mad news around. That’s not a worry with DailyEdge.ie’s weekly Saturday morning round-up of the most bonkers, bizarre and batty news around the world.
Let’s take it together.
Eating chicken wings could make kids “more aggressive”, according to scientists who presumably have far too much time on their hands. A scientific study has suggested that children who eat chicken off the bone are more likely to act up than those to eat pre-cut chicken. “Biting food appears to increase activity level, aggression and non-compliance,” they said. And children that bay for blood and howl at the full moon are most likely werewolves, according to me just now, because hey why not? (Mirror UK)
A contestant on the programme “Naked Dating” is suing for being shown naked while dating. Jessie Nizewitz, an aspiring model, was apparently reassured that her junk would be blurred on the show – but apparently a very brief snippet of her business was aired un-blurred. Sounds like it slipped through the cracks. CRACKS? GET IT? (Pedestrian.tv)
The White House has given up on forcing their coders to dress in a professional manner. Mickey Dickerson started working for the US Government after leaving Google, to fix their disastrous Healthcare.gov website. He did a great job, and they want more like him – but techies don’t wear suits and ties. He is, apparently, “free to wear a wrinkled button-down and comfortable pants”. It’s hardly a Reddit t-shirt and a neckbeard, but it’s techie progress. (Wired)
50 Cent has challenged Floyd Mayweather Jr to prove he can read, in a bizarre twist on the all-pervasive Ice Bucket Challenge. This is a special challenge for you, Floyd. If you can read one full page of a ‘Harry Potter’ book … I’ll give $750,000 to whatever charitable organization you want to.” Can YOU read, 50 Cent? This is about ICE BUCKETS, not fictional wizarding communities. (Page Six)
A man in Montana phoned 911 after an evening at Sagebrush Sam’s Exotic Dance Club during which a stripper refused to sleep with him. Seemingly confused about the service he had paid for, Willliam McDaniel was moved to phone the emergency services after a private dance didn’t go as he expected. He was arrested for solicitation of prostitution. Karma. (MTV)
Meanwhile, in Alaska. Police took a call after a resident spotted “a suspicious device” at the side of the road. The first officer on the scene wasn’t sure what to make of the object, so a second officer (with expertise in bombs) was despatched. It turned out to be a toy Star Wars light saber taped to a stick. A police department spokeswoman said: “It was not explosive in any way.”