AS GARY JULES sang, it’s a very, very mad world.
Every Saturday morning, as the world wakes up, delivers an array of stunning weirdness to your eyeballs. It’s the world’s maddest news, drilled down and distilled into bite-size pieces.
Play it again, Gary.
Pope Francis has come out to say that he would baptise aliens. Answering a question no one really had asked, Papa told a congregation during his homily that he would accept and include Martians. He added: “Martians, right? Green, with long noses and big ears, like in children’s drawings.” Amen. (UK Independent)
Hundreds of vultures have descended on a Virginia town. Lynchburg’s district of West Princeton Circle is being plagued by the birds, with one resident stating “ “I counted 40 on [my] roof as well as the neighbor’s roof…and then again like 20 and 30 plus down, I mean I can’t stand down and count them all, there’s literally hundreds of them.” As it’s illegal to hunt the birds, law enforcement are urging locals to shoo them away. Oh yeah that’ll work. The notoriously shy and retiring vulture. (Yahoo! Odd News)
Mothers Day was a bumper day for dating sites. The day of celebrations of all things Mammy was last weekend in America, and cheating web site said 17,000 mams signed up the day after it. Ouch. Someone better get her a present next year, do you hear? (ABC)
A woman enrolled in a high school, masquerading as a 15 year old, has been found to be actually 31. Charity Anne Johnson told a local resident that she was 15 and needed a place to stay. The woman took her in, became her guardian, and placed her in the school. But now it has emerged Charity was actually 31 – lying about her age for reasons unknown. It’s like that Drew Barrymore comedy Never Been Kissed, except creepy and sad. Oh wait, so exactly like that movie. (Gawker)
Three roommates who found $40,000 stuffed in a second-hand couch returned the money. They got the couch at a Salvation Army in New York for just $55 – and when they got it home, they noticed the cushions were a tad “lumpy”. Opening the zipper, they found envelopes stuffed with cash. It turned out to belong to an elderly woman, whose name they found on a slip inside. Good karma for life, guys. (
Chickens might be getting Oculus Rift, a form of virtual reality. The goggles could make chickens believe they’re free-range, even when they’re not – or so says Iowa State University researcher Austin Stewart. Speaking of headless chickens, here’s staff trying out the technology. Brace yourself: there are screams. (TechCrunch)
Hey you! Yes, you. You! Spotted any bizarre news in your local area? Let us know on pretty please with a cherry on top. Yeow!