1. When the kids in school heard your name for the first time they were just like
2. So you had to explain it to them slowly as they got more and more confused
3. An absolutely gas nickname punning on your weird name would be established within minutes
4. You felt like you were floating in a sea of O’Neills, Murphys and Walshes
^you, alone
5. The casual “so… where are you from?” question came early and often
6. Your name will have been misspelled in a prominent place in school – which everyone thought was great craic
7. There was never a Gaeilge version of your name so you just chucked a fada on it for kicks
“Hey! Let’s all translate our names into Irish!”
You: “… ´”
8. Everyone around the town instantly knew your brothers and sisters just by their name alone
9. You became a mini expert in spelling it out in a way new people could understand
10. Even though you quickly realised that nobody would ever be able to spell it right and you accepted your fate
11. Even though at one stage you promised yourself you would change it when you grew up - when it came down to it, you grew to be delighted with your weird last name
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