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11 memories anyone who grew up with a weird surname in Ireland will recognise

Roll call.

1. When the kids in school heard your name for the first time they were just like

what Source: giphy

2. So you had to explain it to them slowly as they got more and more confused

635848512433442341-446402637_tumblr_inline_no23f9s3CR1t0p2h2_500 Source: Theodysseyonline

3. An absolutely gas nickname punning on your weird name would be established within minutes

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4. You felt like you were floating in a sea of O’Neills, Murphys and Walshes

3940223-kidflash Source: Comicvine

^you, alone

5. The casual “so… where are you from?” question came early and often

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6. Your name will have been misspelled in a prominent place in school – which everyone thought was great craic

mays Source: Twitter

7. There was never a Gaeilge version of your name so you just chucked a fada on it for kicks

42861AB Source: Timetraveller

“Hey! Let’s all translate our names into Irish!”

You: “… ´”

8. Everyone around the town instantly knew your brothers and sisters just by their name alone

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9. You became a mini expert in spelling it out in a way new people could understand

anigif_enhanced-buzz-24934-1426945673-12 Source: Buzzfed

10. Even though you quickly realised that nobody would ever be able to spell it right and you accepted your fate

lilknick Source: Sbnation

11. Even though at one stage you promised yourself you would change it when you grew up - when it came down to it, you grew to be delighted with your weird last name

Smile-GIF Source: Gifsec

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About the author:

David Elkin

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