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18 of the most ridiculous things that Justin Bieber has ever done

If the rest of us even did one of these things, we’d probably be in jail.

Justin Bieber in Concert - Michigan Source: Marc Nader

IT’S CLEAR THAT childhood fame takes its toll on every young star.

However, sometimes it gets to the point where it’s necessary to step back and realise that it is not an excuse for consistently being racist and misogynistic while regularly breaking the law and facing no consequences.

There’s no doubt that Justin Bieber is musically talented and there’s no doubt that he’s been ridiculed by the public for years.

2016 iHeartRadio Music Awards - Press Room Source: SIPA USA/PA Images

At the beginning of Justin Bieber’s career, he was hated by many (definitely for all of the wrong reasons – his haircut, his proclivity for singing pop songs about his feelings, etc.) and now, eight years after the release of his first single, very little has changed.

However, Justin has given everyone from every walk of life a myriad of reasons to dislike them through his ongoing criminal, bizarre and petulant carry-on. He is Canada’s Brian McFadden.

Let’s take a look back on some of the weirdest things that Bieber has allegedly done and wonder why he is not in prison yet.

1. Got a monkey and abandoned it in a foreign country

Justin Bieber's monkey at animal shelter in Munich Source: DPA/PA Images

This sad little monkey is named O.G. Mally and he was Justin’s first monkey. The monkey made headlines after Justin got him as an accessory and then made even more headlines after Justin abandoned him in Germany.

Bieber had no documentation whatsoever for the small monkey when he brought it to customs in Munich. This meant that it had to be seized and eventually re-homed in a zoo in northern Germany, where it still resides.

The cost of seizing the monkey and providing it with care, food and vet visits came to several thousand euros, which German authorities were adamant on getting back. When you read on a little bit on this list, you’ll see that it’s very likely that he didn’t pay the bill.

2. Punched a cake on the set of CSI

Jason Source: Wikia

CSI actress Marg Helgenberg admitted to French radio show Le Grand Direct des Medias that Justin Bieber had been a brat on set.

She noted that he had been nice to her in the single scene that they shared, but said he locked a producer in a closet and put his fist through a cake that was on the craft services table. Not very sound.

3. Ordered his bodyguards to carry him along The Great Wall of China

Source: Hollyscoop/YouTube

We’ve all been tired walking around on holidays. We’ve probably all enviously looked at babies in prams or in their parents arms and wished we could be transported around comfortably without having to walk.

However, we just don’t expect anyone else to indulge our lazy fantasies. If you’re rich though, nobody can say no to you. That’s likely how this situation came about.

4. He made a couple of racist videos

Justin Bieber video Source: Yui Mok

In 2014, a video emerged that showed the singer making an extremely tasteless joke that was laden with usage of the n-word. This was at the same time that a separate video emerged which featured him joking about joining the Ku Klux Klan.

In the same video he changes the lyrics of his songs to make them about killing black people. His career probably should have ended here, but vile racist comments can make someone president in this day and age.

5. That time he got dreadlocks

Last year Bieber got a bob of dreadlocks, posted it on Instagram and captioned it “Why”. Why indeed.

6. Posted a photo of him painting what many people considered to be racist graffiti

As if the KKK jokes, flagrant usage of racist language and dreadlocks weren’t enough to ruin his reputation, he decided to go out and do some poor graffiti.

7. He spat on fans from a balcony

PastedImage-92960 Source: TMZ via Youtube

While fans were gathering around on the ground below to try and get a chance to see him, Justin decided to thank them by spitting on them.

8. He also allegedly spat on a neighbour

NOW! 99.7 Triple Ho Show 7.0Justin Bieber at NOW! 99.7 Triple Ho Show 7.0 Source: SIPA USA/PA Images

At the age of 19, Justin Bieber got a new Ferrari delivered to his home. He then proceeded to drive erratically around his neighbourhood in it when a 47-year-old business man who lived in the neighbourhood told him to stop driving like a maniac. Bieber responded by spitting on him and threatening to kill him.

9. And he allegedly spat in a woman’s drink at the gym too

Cricket - Surrey CCC Photocall - Kia Oval Source: EMPICS Sport

While at the gym, Justin decided to mock a female gym-goers work out routine because she was counting her reps out loud. Justin imitated her counting while his entourage told the woman to “shut the f*ck up” every time she reached twenty.

The woman decided to sell the bottle of Justin Bieber’s spit on eBay to upgrade the kitchen in a local Ronald McDonald house.

10. Ok last one about spit – he spat on a DJ who he thought was taking photos of him

World's most influential pop star Source: PA Wire/PA Images

The Ohio DJ claimed that Justin Bieber spat in his face after wrongly believing that he had been taking photographs of the singer. Bouncers had even searched the DJs phone and had found that there were no photos, but Justin was unsatisfied.

Justin’s parents need to step in and Google “Why does my child keep spitting on people?” because it’s probably symptomatic of something much worse.

11. He said that he doesn’t believe in abortions and that rape happens for a reason

Justin Bieber performs during the Purpose World Tour - Poland Source: Klimek Marek/Newspix/ABACA

Back in 2011, Rolling Stone interviewed Justin Bieber and he was asked what he thought of abortion in the case of rape. Justin said “Um. Well, I think that’s really sad, but everything happens for a reason.” Weird take on things there.

12. He got banned for life from a skydiving facility

Quantum of the Sea's - world's smartest ship Source: Andrew Matthews

While in Las Vegas, Justin Bieber and his crew decided to go to an indoor skydiving facility minutes before it was closing. The 23-year-old who is worth $200 million didn’t tip any of the staff that had to stay back late to accommodate his impulse to go skydiving. In fact, he didn’t even pay a penny for the experience.

Management offered him the choice between paying the $1600 that it cost or posting a photo to Instagram advertising the facility instead.

Justin said he’d post the Instagram and took a photo to pretend that he would, but the post never made it to Instagram.

E! News were also told that Justin’s team were also incredibly rude. They made a mess in the bathroom and unapologetically threw paper towels on the ground while looking directly at employees.

13. He hotboxed his private jet despite warnings from the pilots

Donald Trump's private jet Source: PA Archive/PA Images

Flying in a private jet is probably the ultimate luxury experience. Yet Justin and his crew decided to smoke so much weed on board a flight from Canada to New Jersey that the pilots had to wear oxygen masks so that they wouldn’t risk inhaling marijuana and failing subsequent drug tests.

This was obviously after asking Bieber to refrain from behaving in that manner, however any requests for adult behavior were met with abuse.

The flight attendant was harrassed so much that they had to spend most of the flight near the cockpit to avoid further abuse.

The DEA and Customs and Border Patrol agents met the plane when it landed but because Justin and his crew had smoked all of the weed, they could not file charges against him.

14. Urinated in a mop bucket before proceeding to say “F**k Bill Clinton”

Source: TMZ/YouTube

So at this stage it’s pretty clear that Justin Bieber hates normal workers. Him and his crew abused flight attendants, were disrespectful to their pilot, trashed the bathroom of the skydiving facility, didn’t tip the skydiving staff, left customs at a German airport with a monkey to babysit, the list goes on.

This time around, Bieber decided to pee in a mop bucket because he clearly has no idea what life is like for people who have to use mop buckets.

Egged on by his friends, who called themselves “Wild Kidz” in a very cringe-worthy manner, Bieber left a horrible unhygienic mess for a cleaner to deal with.

He followed it up by insulting Bill Clinton, which isn’t really as much of a big deal but is still pretty weird.

15. He got a DUI and smiled in his mugshot

download Source: Miami Dade County Corrections

After drink-driving at double the speed limit, Justin was beaming in his mugshot. Fortunately, nobody was hurt but this is idiotic behaviour to anybody (except two politicians from Kerry).

16. Got jealous of Prince being the centre of attention following his death

When Andrew Watt of the band California Breed posted the above Instagram as a tribute to the late Prince saying that he was “the last of the greatest living performers”, Justin responded pretty immaturely.

In the fashion of those who say “not all men”, Justin commented “Well not the last greatest living performer.”

Capture Source: Mashable

That’s a bit much now.

17. Said he hoped that Anne Frank would have been a belieber

Remembrance Day - Amsterdam Source: SIPA USA/PA Images


The comment he wrote in the guestbook at Anne Frank House in Amsterdam said “Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber.”

For some reason, it feels like the weirdest part of that is the second sentence. “Anne was a great girl” sounds like something coming out of the mouth of a 58-year-old from Westmeath rather than a teen pop sensation.

18. Punched a fan in the face and made them bleed

Source: Fame Magazine/YouTube

The fan, who had definitely overstepped a boundary or two, was punched in the face after reaching into Justin’s car to touch him while he was in the backseat. Justin punched him in the mouth.

It’s unknown whether the fan pressed charges or took it in his stride à la Gretchen Weiners assault victim – “One time she punched me in the face, it was awesome!”

All of these incidents make for a very lengthy Wikipedia page. You can’t help but get a terrible feeling that after doing all of these stupid things but remaining extremely popular, that Justin Bieber will end up as the president of the United States some day.


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About the author:

Kelly Earley

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