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16 products you won't believe actually exist

Shut up and take our money.

1. Tan cosy


Author Marian Keyes has drawn our attention to this. You put it on after applying fake tan so it doesn’t ruin your sheets and make everything smell like biscuits.


2. Wine for Dummies

I can't believe this exists. Seen in a liquor store in NJ. - Imgur Source: Imgur

Bottles come complete with a pronunciation guide:


3. My Little Pony iPhone case

With hair. A a full-size My Little Pony. So handy and understated.

mlp Source: HiCase/Etsy

pony Source: HiCase/Etsy

4. Benedict Cumberbatch colouring book

Where have you been all our lives?

Colour-Me-Good-Benedict-Cumberbatch_T_1_I_75_G_0_V_1 Source: I Love Mel


5. Crafting with Cat Hair

Precious moments spent together.

I can't believe a book like this actually exists... - Imgur Source: Imgur

6. A chicken in a can

THIS ACTUALLY EXISTS - Imgur Source: Imgur

“Home-style goodness”.


7. This book called How to Read a Book

Is there a book called How to Read How to Read a Book? We must go deeper.

IMG_0478-e1349805967853 Source: Wocoasis

8. Cheez-It flavoured lip balm

Give us a kiss. Go on.

cheez-it-flavored-lip-balm Source: Eatmedaily

9. These Christmas decorations

And we thought I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus was risqué.

This actually exists... - Imgur Source: Imgur

10. An album called All My Friends Are Dead

Great fun to stick on at a party.

all_my_friends_are_dead Source: Mindtoss

11. An album called Songs for Gay Dogs

paddy_roberts_songs_for_gay_dogs Source: Bamm

0456_da71 Source: Soup

12. The moustache protector

Invented in the 1860s to keep men’s lip warmers in tip top shape while they drank their tea.

Mustache protector mug Source: 10 Corso Como

13. Fried fruit on a stick

You can deep fry anything. Apparently.

This stand actually exists - Imgur Source: Imgur

14. Bum pads

Thanks, Penneys.

boot Source: Penneys/DailyEdge.ie

15. Squeez Bacon

Bacon paste. Might be nice on your fried fruit on a stick.

bacon Source: EatMeKnoxville.blogspot.ie

16. Are You Hungry Tonight?

It’s what he would have wanted.

So, this is a thing that exists. - Imgur Source: Imgur

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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