Dublin: 7 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

Glenroe had every Irish person panicking about their homework last night

*Glenroe theme music starts* I HAVEN’T DONE MY GEOGRAPHY!

gelnroe1 Source: RTÉ

LAST NIGHT, RTÉ aired Well Holy God It’s Glenroe, a one-off special looking back at the legendary soap.

The show featured recollections from cast and crew, including Mary McEvoy (that’s Biddy to you) and the show’s creator Wesley Burrowes.

And it brought memories of Sunday nights flooding back.

Just hearing the theme music again sent shivers up the nation’s spine.

Irish people were reminded of the weekly “I haven’t done my homework!” panic.


Getting to watch Glenroe without the fear of school tomorrow? Priceless.

glenroe2 Source: RTÉ

Meanwhile, we were reminded of some of this steamy moment…

“Em, who wants tea?”

And Mario Rosenstock’s turn as an impossibly youthful doctor turned a few heads…

mario Source: RTÉ


That’s not to say some people weren’t confused by the whole thing…

Afterwards, it was clear that the Irish people wanted one thing and one thing only: for RTÉ to bring back Glenroe.

Do it, RTÉ.

glen Source: RTÉ

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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