EVER WISHED YOUR Instagram app was a real digital camera that could print photos on the spot?
Well your wish has been granted, because ADR Studio has come up with a camera that enables you to take photos using Instagram filters – and then print them right away.
Instagram - which was recently bought by Facebook for $1 billion – is a hugely popular app that is available on iPhones and Android smartphones.
According to ADR, the aim of its Instagram Socialmatic Project was simple: to pick the Instagram App icon and try to make a real camera.
This is the first Instagram photo camera, and it has:
- 16gb mass storage
- WiFi and Bluetooth
- A4:3 touchscreen
- Two main lenses – one for the main capture and one for filters, web apps and QR code capturing
- An optical zoom
- An LED flash
- An internal printer with paper cartridge with Instagram paper sheets
So you can take a shot with the camera, change the filter to whichever one you choose, and then print it. There is even a space at the bottom – like on a Polaroid photo – where you can write a note or comment.
There is one catch: the camera is not for sale – at least not yet. The prototype has been built but ADR Studio are crowdfunding the camera and have a Socialmatic link on their site through which people can donate.
What do you think of the Instagram camera?