Every lunchtime, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.
First Dates (Channel 4, 10pm)
The best show on television, quite frankly. Get a blanket, a bottle of prosecco, and cosy up as you watch awkward dates, heartwarming romances and the return of some familiar faces. <3 #FirstDates
Nine Stone Lighter (RTÉ Two, 9.30pm)
The latest installment of RTÉ’s Reality Bites series follows Damo & Ivor star Jules Coll as she takes the decision to undergo gastric bypass. We see her go under the knife, give up fatty foods and completely revamp her lifestyle. #NineStoneLighter
Pioc Do Ride (TG4, 10pm)
The TG4 dating show went viral last week after one contestant opted for a €250 voucher for a car service over a second date. Will tonight’s episode throw up more gold? Only one way to find out. #PiocDoRide
Everyone’s talking about… #GBBO
The semi-finals were last night and Ian, Nadiya and Tamal progressed to the final.
But nobody can quite believe that Ian is there.
Poor Ian.
And after he went and make a fully functioning chocolate well and everything.
Some people are just hard to please.
Or flick over for…
- Under The Skin (Film Four, 10.45pm) ScarJo stars as a sexy alien in this critically adored film. ‘Nuff said.
- A Week To My Wedding (RTÉ One, 8.30pm) Mick and Laura are getting married in a week. So naturally they want to make it as stress-free as possible by starring in a RTÉ reality show.
- Who Do You Think You Are? (BBC One, 9pm) Strictly Come Dancing star Anita Rani finds out all about her family.
- Mock The Week (BBC Two, 10pm) Comedians look back on the week that was.