Every lunchtime, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.
Euro 2016 Ireland v Georgia (RTÉ 2, 7pm)
Everyone will be watching it, so if you can’t beat em, join em. Kick off is 7.45, and the usual suspects will be bringing you all the action live from the Aviva.
University Challenge (BBC 2, 8pm)
If you’re more into screaming at quiz shows than soccer, watch two Cambridge colleges compete in the latest match. This is Jeremy Paxman’s world, we’re all just living in it.
Jamie’s Super Food (Channel 4, 8pm)
Jamie is on another quest to make you not eat shite. In this new series he goes to examine the diets of the places that have most centenarians in a quest to fin the formula of living FOREVER. He’s in Costa Rica this week, with 106-year-old Jose.
Everyone’s talking about… A lovely Celebrity Big Brother moment
You probably haven’t realised, but Celebrity Big Brother is currently in full swing. The series is housing the likes of pornstar Jenna Jameson, model Janice Dickinson, and X factor losers Steve Ritchie and Chloe Jasmine. Yeah… big names.
But put all that aside for a second and watch this lovely moment that unfolded between presenter Gail Porter and model Austin Armacost.
Porter suffers from alopecia and lost her hair in 2005. She admitted to her housemates that she sometimes felt ugly as a result, so Austin stepped up and shaved all his hair off in solidarity.
He said:
I love you and you are an most awesome human being for this. This is how important hair is Gail. Who gives a s**t. This is something that’s not so important. Who gives a s**t, because you’re the same person you are without hair. I’m the same person I was when I had hair. That’s what really matters.
Or flick over for…
Claire Byrne Live (RTÉ 1, 10.10pm) The current affairs show returns, and it’s bound to clog up your Twitter timeline yet again.
Apres Match of the Day (RTÉ 2, 10.15pm) New series of the sport comedy sketch show.
The Catch (Channel 4, 9pm) Following the work of deep-sea fishing crews in a deeply fascinating series.
Young, Free and Single, Live (e4, 10pm) Can we talk about this show for a second? It consists of six housemates who go on dates, then all get together on a Monday night to watch them back live with Steve Jones. Prepare to cringe.