Every lunchtime, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.
The Shawshank Redemption (TV3, 9.15pm)
Your dad’s favourite movie, and an undeniable classic. It’s ranking number 1 on IMDB’S top 250 list, so stop lying about having seen it and get stuck into it tonight. Tim Robbins stars as a prisoner sentenced for murdering his wife and her lover–a crime he denies. He befriends Morgan Freeman’s Red, and the pair spend 19 years together adapting to prison life and attempting to find redemption.
The Saturday Night Show (RTÉ 1, 10pm)
In the ‘hot’ seat tonight… Mrs. Brown’s Boys’ Winnie, Eilish O’Carroll as well as Irish actor Peter O’Meara who will play Brian Lenihan Senior in the upcoming RTÉ Charlie Haughey drama. Derval O’Rourke and Cork musician John Spillane will also be appearing. Cancel all plans.
Inside I’m Dancing (TG4, 9.30pm)
James McAvoy plays a lonely man with cerebral palsy who meets a new friend in his care home that finally gives him a bid for freedom. Ultimate Irish mammy Brenda Fricker also appears.
Everyone’s talking about… Dustin Diamond
Yep, Screech from Saved by the Bell has been arrested. Actor Dustin Diamond was booked after an incident at a Wisconsin bar and was reprimanded in Ozaukee County on suspicion of possession a switchblade, carrying a concealed weapon and endangering safety, according to Fox 6 Now.
Or switch over for…
Iron Man 2 (RTÉ 2, 8pm) Robert Downey Jnr is back as Iron Man Tony Stark.
Totes 2014 (RTÉ 2, 10.15pm) Eoghan McDermott takes a look back at the big entertainment stories of 2014.
Patriot Games (RTÉ 1, 12.30am) Harrison Ford gets caught up with the IRA.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (UTV, 7pm) Well you’ve already seen the rest.
Top Gear Patagonia Special (BBC 1, 8.30pm) Part one of two.
QI Christmas XL No L (BBC 2, 11.30pm) In case you missed in on Christmas day.