Every lunchtime, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.
The Saturday Night Show (RTE 1, 9.40pm)
Brendan is joined by Dermot Bannon and Patricia Power of Room to Improve which is shockingly addictive, admit it. He’ll also be chatting to social enterprise award-winner Adam Harris to discuss how he deals with autism, and Katie Piper will be talking about her Bodyshockers series and recent engagement. Norah Casey will also be popping in with the stars of her traveller academy.
The Jonathan Ross Show (UTV Ireland 9.20pm)
Wossy is back for a new series, and will be joined by Colin Firth, Welsh actor Taron Egerton, Caroline Quentin, comedian Katherine Ryan and Take That. Give us all the dad dancing!
The Artist (BBC 2, 10pm)
The Oscar-attracting 2011 comedy drama starring Jean Duhardin and… a dog. Set in the days of silent movies, this black-and-white spectacle documents the arrival of talking films and the careers of a silent film star and dancer that go in different directions as a result.
Everyone’s talking about… SHERLOCK
The first set photos of the new Sherlock special have been released and quite frankly, it looks amazing.
They’ve gone full Victorian.
Have a look at the full set over here, from filming at the Gloucester Cathedral.
Or flick over for…
Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway (TV 3, 6.40pm) SaaaaturrrDAY!
The National Television Awards 2015 (TV 3, 9pm) If you were angry that you couldn’t see them on ITV during the week, now’s your chance to catch up.
Clubland Reality Bites (RTE 2, 11.15pm) In case you missed the Wright Club documentary, here’s your chance.
Things We Lost in the Fire (RTE 1, 12.35am) Halle Berry and Benicio Del Toro star, housewife husband dies takes his best friend in to look after him.
Once (UTV Ireland 10.15pm) Faaaalling slowly. Glen Hansard stars in this movie about a Dublin busker and a Czech flower seller. He won an Oscar for the track, didntcha know?