EVERY WEEKDAY lunchtime, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.
Peaky Blinders (BBC 2, 9pm)
The second series of this period drama–starring our very own Cillian Murphy–starts tonight. The show is based on the historic Birmingham gang, the Peaky Blinders, just after World War I. Promises flat caps and debauchery, get involved. #PeakyBinders
Scrotal Recall (Channel 4, 10pm)
A new comedy about a man who catches chlamydia and has to contact all of his former lovers to let them know. You know you want to watch it, for the name alone.
Educating the East End (Channel 4, 9pm)
Check back in with the contrary kids in Frederick Bremer School, and try not to cry this time. #educatingtheeastend
Everyone’s talking about: The Paedophile Hunter
The Channel 4 documentary aired last night and proved to be some very uncomfortable viewing. Stinson Hunter and his team posed as kids online and lured paedophiles into an on-camera confrontation in various sting operations.
Twitter was set alight at the disturbing results, with many congratulating Hunter, and others condemning his vigilantism.
You can catch it on 4oD if you missed it.
Or flick over for…
Connected (RTÉ One, 10.30pm) The drama continues.
Forever (Sky 1, 9pm) Ioan Gruffudd stars in this new drama about a guy who never truly dies, but keeps coming back to life as someone new.
The Good Wife (RTÉ One, 11.25pm) Julianna Margulies displays, once again, why she is better than all of us.
Who Do You Think You Are (BBC One, 10.15pm) Billy Connolly travels to India to find out more about his distant ancestors.
Meet the McDonaghs (RTÉ 2, 9.30pm) So we’ve already met them, but catch a glimpse of their latest escapades tonight.