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What to watch on TV tonight: Tuesday

Here are the shows that’ll be on your Twitter timeline later.

Every lunchtime, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow. 

The Last Days of Peter Bergmann (RTÉ 1, 11.20pm)

Award-winning documentary about a man calling himself Peter Bergmann, who arrived in a Sligo town in 2009. Bergmann was a German man who checked into a hotel, and began slowly destroying all evidence of who he was before being found dead a few days later–attempting to disappear without a trace. Bound to be an intriguing one.

King of the Travellers (TV 3, 9pm)

John Connors–who we now know as Patrick from LoveHate–plays a member of an Irish travelling family who falls for a girl he thinks is the daughter of a man who killed his dad 12 years ago. Great watch, and Fran also makes an appearance. You can’t escape em.

Oiche Na Gaoithe Moire (RTÉ 1, 10.15pm)

Hurricane force winds caused destruction around Ireland on this day back in 1839. This documentary takes a look that chilling night using a range of state-of-the-art visuals to bring the worst storm in 300 years back to life. It also examines if such a storm could happen again. Welp.


Everyone’s talking about… UTV Ireland’s new launch

Oh goody. We have a brand new news programme in Ireland. Here’s what you all thought of it.

And here’s a political editor who lets nothing phase her.


Or switch over for…

Revenge (RTÉ 2, 9pm) New series. Who’s looking for revenge this time? We can’t keep up.

Dinner for Schmucks (BBC 1, 11.50pm) Comedy with Steve Carrell and Paul Rudd. Can’t go wrong.

Weighing up the Enemy (Channel 4, 8pm) Weightloss series. Two people bet against each other that they’ll lose the most weight. Motivation at its best.

The Girl Who Played with Fire (TG4, 11.40pm) The sequel to the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, based on Steig Larsson’s thrilling novels.

Billionare’s Paradise Inside Necker Island (BBC 2, 9pm) The only look inside one the world’s exclusive resorts you’ll ever get.

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