Every lunchtime, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.
Home from Home (TV 3, 9pm)
Tonight is the first of this two part documentary about life inside Ireland’s nursing homes. The residents of Moorehall Lodge in Louth are the first up to tell their stories, as well as giving an insight into how their families are coping.
A Simply Delicious Christmas (RTÉ 1, 8.30pm)
C’MON, we’re well into the festive season now. Get all Christmassy by putting up the tree and watching Darina Allen cook up some festive nosh. We have it on good authority that there will be a meringue Christmas tree featuring. Well holy God…
The Town (RTÉ 1, 9.35pm)
Ben Affleck and Jeremy Renner star in this thriller about a bank hold up. The thief discovers that the manager he held hostage lives in the same neighbourhood as him. Naturally, he befriends her to avoid identification, but falls in love with her. Dramaaaa.
Everybody’s talking about: Nadia Forde’s big exit
Nadders left the jungle last night, so there goes all hope of another Irish winner.
She may have been voted off, but people were still upset they would be losing the jungle eye candy.
* eyeroll*
Or flick over for…
A Big Irish Family, 11 Kids under 12 (TV 3, 8.30pm) Meet the Mahers from Carrickmoss, Co. Monaghan. They do exactly what they say on the tin.
Great Continental Railway Journeys (BBC 2, 9pm) Shockingly enthralling show about trains. Tonight they go through Israel and Palestine.
Father Ted (RTÉ 2, 9pm) It’s the football episode! Part of your obligation as an Irish person is to watch this.
The Apprentice (BBC 1, 9pm) Now that James is gone, will it be the same? No, it will be better.