Every lunchtime, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.
The Restaurant (TV 3, 9pm)
It’s State pathologist Marie Cassidy’s turn to head to Wineport Lodge in Co. Westmeath to prepare a three-course meal for guest critic Marco Pierre White. There are so many puns to be made that we became so overwhelmed and therefore can’t make any. Not a single one.
PJ Gallagher’s Stage Fright Reality Bites (RTÉ 2, 9pm)
This documentary sees the Naked Camera comedian reveal his struggle with stage fright and anxiety for over 10 years. Who’d have thought it?
Flight (RTÉ 1, 9.35pm)
This thriller stars Denzel Washington as a drunk pilot who successfully lands a plane amidst technical difficulties. When it emerges he was drunk while flying the plane, he goes from hero to suspect. Did he cause the incident in the first place?
Everybody’s talking about… Fortitude’s giant polar bear
Fortitude is a new drama from Sky Atlantic, following a detective (Stanley Tucci) as he aids the police in investigating a murder in the close-knit snowy community of Fortitude.
It’s a 12-part drama due to start tomorrow, and is Sky’s most expensive drama ever. Filmed in Iceland, the backdrop is snow, snow and more snow. So, as a publicity stunt, they set a polar bear lose in London. OK, a fake one, but it’s still creepy.
Yeah, no biggie.
Or switch over for…
Wolf Hall (BBC 2, 9pm) The Cromwell drama continues. Hopefully it will be brighter this week.
Neven Maguire Home Chef (RTÉ 1, 7.30pm) He makes a prawn curry with Ray D’Arcy, who WOULDN’T want to watch this?
Operation Transformation (RTÉ 1, 8.30pm) Get motivated! Or watch it while eating your after-dinner dinner.
Transamerica (Channel 4, 1.20am) Felicity Huffman stars as a transgender woman who finds out she fathered a child while a man. One for the night owls.