EVERY EVENING AT 9pm, DailyEdge.ie brings you your essential roundup of what you missed on your screens today.
People were reading:
About what the kids from Jurassic Park look like today.
About Rachel Dolezal telling a student he ‘didn’t look hispanic’ enough. Huh?
This list of faces people make when they do a poo.
People were watching:
This singer at a festival in Holland pulling off the most rockstar move ever:
The guitarist from 5 Seconds of Summer’s hair catching fire:
People were retweeting
Pictures of animals on the loose in Tblisi’s floods:
The news that the Philae Lander is awake and talking:
This holy marvel:
And finally people were touched by this…
During the interview process at Google my sister died. They sent this in the mail. I’m truly touched by the gesture.