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6 things to know about how women watch porn

‘Lesbian’ + ‘Porn’


NEW STATISTICS RELEASED by porn sites Redtube and Pornhub have revealed some interesting findings about the viewing habits of women.

Kim Kardashian is the most searched for celebrity, ‘lesbian’ is the most searched for term, and the three categories viewed more than women compared to men are ‘for women’, ‘lesbian’ and ‘solo male’.

What kind of porn to women really want to watch though? Here are some of the reasonings behind what women are searching for on porn sites, and what they really want from their racy videos…

1. Women like lesbian porn

The Pornhub/Redtube data shows that terms relating to girl on girl action are amongst the most popular searches for female users. While lesbian users must account for some of those, there’s an explanation for the straight female users too.

2. Women like women “touching each other very well”

Also, women know what women want. Not only do a large number of heterosexual women find lesbian porn arousing, they also appreciate people who know what to do with their hands, and videos that make feminine pleasure the main character.

tegan Source: @BellJarred

3. Women search for “sensual”, “erotic”, “passionate”

Women report having to search for terms like ‘sensual’, ‘erotic’ and ‘passionate’ to find porn that’s in any way similar to real sexual experience without the chaotic screaming and dramatics.

In fact, there is a subsection of pornography called ‘For Women’ porn which focuses on sensuality, romance and pace. Dane Jones is a specialist.

dane Source: DaneJones.com

4. Where’s the woman’s POV?

No, not ’woman  + point of view’, ‘woman’S point of view’, you know, where the camera is turned away from the woman for once and focuses on the man,

Women report being “REAL tired of watching these weird bored ladies looking straight into the camera moan and groan as every penis thrust into them is their orgasm central. They are creepy and strange.”


5. Straight Guys for Gay Eyes

Straight Guys for Gay Eyes (NSFW link) is a section on Pornhub often suggested for women looking for videos that focus on the man in question.

It’s straight porn, but filmed in the way that focuses on the guy that’s similar to the way regular straight porn focuses on the woman.

6. Stories and fan fiction get women going

Research by neuroscientists in 2011 showed that women were  into porn and erotic writing where they could relate to or recognise characters and follow a romantic and sexual story.

sherlollu Source: FanFiction.net

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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