DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.
The Ray D’Arcy Show (RTÉ One, 9.35pm)
Tonight, Ray will chat to Brian Kennedy about his recent cancer diagnosis. He will also be joined by Pauline McLynn, Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh and Darren Collins, who will discuss what it’s like to be an openly gay member of the Travelling community. #raydarcyshow
The Saturday Game (RTÉ Two, 10pm)
Highlights from today’s All Ireland final between Dublin and Mayo as well as from the whole GAA season.
The Jonathan Ross Show (UTV Ireland, 10pm)
It’s Britney, bitch. This week, Wossy chats to Britney Spears, Emily Blunt, Alexander Skarsgard and Luke Evans. BRITNEY!
Everyone’s talking about… Robbie Williams
The singer told an extremely NSFW story on last night’s Graham Norton, which involved him getting a handjob from a stranger in a castle. No, really.
He told everyone how he woke up one morning to find a woman in his bedroom who made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.
She went, ‘Have you got morning glory?’ This is back in the day when I used to have morning glory! So I was like, ‘Yeah!’ She says, ‘I’ll wank you off!’ I’m really young and I can close my eyes and pretend it’s somebody else, so it’s like, ‘Yeah, go on then!’
Or flick over for…
- The X Factor (TV3, 8pm) We’re at the Judges House stage!
- Match of the Day (BBC One, 10.25pm) All the best of the day’s footie action.
- 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown (Channel 4, 9pm) Featuring Catherine Tate, Miles Jupp and John Cooper Clarke. So now.
- Beck (BBC Four, 9pm) Brand new Scandi drama starting for the winter.