Every lunchtime, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.
Mapp and Lucia (BBC One, 9.05pm)
A three-part adaptation of EF Benson’s comic novels starring League of Gentleman alums Steve Pemberton and Mark Gatiss, as well as Anna Chancellor and Miranda Richardson. It tells the story of two women engaged in hilarious attempts at social climbing. It continues on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. #MappAndLucia
Bridesmaids versus The Dark Knight Rises (RTÉ One, 9.30pm/RTÉ2 9pm)
Last Christmas Day RTÉ sent the country into a lather by deciding to air Bridesmaids and The Dark Knight at the same time. Now they’re back for more. Which one will you choose? #Bridesmaids #TheDarkKnightRises
Dave Allen: God’s Own Comedian (BBC Two, 10pm)
A look back at the life of the Irish comedian, as told by family and friends. Features rare unseen footage. #DaveAllen #GodsOwnComedian
The fillums
- The Italian Job (Channel 4, 6pm)
- The Muppets (BBC One, 6.20pm)
- The Princess Bride (3e, 7pm)
- Bridesmaids (RTÉ One, 9.30pm)
- The Dark Knight Rises (RTÉ 2, 9pm)
- Meet The Fockers (TG4, 9.30pm)
- Scrooged (3e, 11pm)
- Atonement (UTV, 11.15pm)
- Eurotrip (BBC One, 12.35am)
Or switch over for…
- Falling for a Dancer (TV3, 9pm) A glorious Christmas repeat of this Irish two-parter, starring Colin Farrell
- Snow Wolf Family and Me (BBC 2, 9pm) A two part series which sees wildlife cameraman Gordon Buchanana get up close and personal with wild wolves in the Canadian Arctic
- Christmas University Challenge (BBC Two, 8.30pm) Hit us with them Paxman!
- Darcey Bussell’s Looking for Audrey (BBC One, 11.35pm) The Strictly judge explores Hepburn’s life
- Christmas Epic Fails (UTV, 9pm) Does exactly what it says on the tin