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What to watch on TV tonight: Tuesday

Here are the shows that’ll be on your Twitter timeline later.

Image: RTE

EVERY WEEKDAY lunchtime, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.

Somebody to Love (RTE One, 9.35pm)

Another chance to see this documentary about a group of people in Irish society often overlooked when it comes to sex and relationships – people with disabilities. We meet someone with Down syndrome, a wheelchair user, a couple with Cerebral Palsy. Fascinating viewing. #SomebodyToLove

Worst Place to be a Pilot (Channel 4, 9pm) 

This week’s episode heads to Indonesia. One pilot becomes the first to land on a runway that’s taken local tribes people 14 years to cut into the mountainside. #WorstPlaceToBeAPilot #WPTBAP

Super Senses: The Secret Power of Animals (BBC Two, 9pm) 

This episode looks at sound, and using special technology the presenters experience animals sounds beyond the range of human hearing, from alligators to bats. #SuperSenses 


Everybody’s talking about… #Shutter Island/Ashecliffe

The Martin Scorcese/Leonardo Di Caprio film is to become a series. The show will be a collaboration between HBO and Paramount and Scorcese will direct the pilot.

Deadline reports that the new series will be called Ashecliffe (the name of the hospital in Shutter Island) and Denis Lehane will write the script. He wrote the book that the original film was based on.

Shutterislandposter Source: Wikimedia


Or switch over for…

  • Maia Dunphy’s What Women Want (RTÉ Two, 9.30pm) Maia investigates the lenghts women will go to to stay looking young
  • Ramsay’s Hotel Hell (Channel 4, 10pm) More roaring from Ramsay as he travels across the US, trying to fix hostelries
  • Russia’s Lost Princesses (BBC Two, 8pm) Part two of this series focusing on Tsar Nicholas II’s four daughters
  • Kitchen Hero: Homecooked (RTE One, 8.30pm) Donal Skehan cooks some Waterford delicacies

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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