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What to watch on TV tonight: Sunday

Here are the shows that’ll be on your Twitter timeline later.

King Tut, is that you?
King Tut, is that you?
Image: BBC/STV Productions

DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.

Love/Hate (RTÉ One, 9.30pm) 

An RTÉ source has told DailyEdge.ie that this is the most “action packed” episode yet. EXCITING! The war between Fran and Nidge is about to reach crisis point, and Deano’s in the middle. Meanwhile Siobhán is playing with fire. #LoveHate 

Tutankhamun: The Truth Uncovered (BBC One, 9pm) 

DNA analysis and in depth scans of the pharaoh’s body amount to a virtual autopsy and reveal what he may have looked like and how he died at the age of 19. #KingTut #Tutankhamun

Four Lions (Channel 4, 10.05pm) 

Excellent black comedy from Brass Eye creator Chris Morris about a group of jihadis attempting to carry out a series of suicide bombings in Sheffield. Bonus Benedicty Cumberbatch too. #FourLions

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Everybody’s talking about… #Curtis Lepore

The Vine star has been dropped from Rainn Wilson’s upcoming TV show Hollywood and Vine after a rape charge earlier this year.

I'm grateful for all the love I've had from all of you. I just want you all to know I love you all back just the same! The internet can be a horrible place. This world is full of misery and hate and it's easy to fall victim to those who choose to target and single out someone who might be different to feel better about themselves. No one is perfect, everyone has their own flaws-and that's ok! When it feels like everyone is bullying you, make sure you let them know it isn't working...and smile! Be happy! Nothing affects them more than knowing their tireless harassment doesn't affect you! Celebrate your life and don't let anyone else stop you from being content with yourself. Value the fact that WE ARE ALIVE! Put a smile on your face I guarantee it will put a smile on someone else's. Source: curtislepore

Wilson wrote on his Facebook page:

After much consideration, the decision was made with Curtis Lepore to mutually part ways on SoulPancake’s television project featuring Vine stars. We felt this was the best decision for everyone involved. We wish Curtis all the best in all his future endeavors.

Hollywood and Vine is a new scripted comedy series which will take some of the most popular Viners and follow them as they try to make it in Tinseltown.

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Or switch over for…

  • Downton Abbey (UTV, 9pm) What is Edith going to do about Marigold? And what’s wrong with Barrow? 
  • Harry’s South Pole Heroes (UTV, 10.15pm) Prince Harry joins 4 wounded British soldiers on a trek to the South Pole
  • Speed with Guy Martin (Ch 4, 8pm) Adrenaline junkie Guy Martin is all about bikes in this episode
  • Ghost (RTÉ 2, 9pm) Oooooh myyyy loooove, my daaaarling…

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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